PlanMap Team Members
Matteo MassironiInstitution: University of Padova, Department of Geosciences
Matteo Massironi is associate professor in “Structural Geology” at Padova University where he teaches “Geological mapping”, “Satellite Remote Sensing” and “Planetary geology”. He has been involved in several cartographic and field survey projects in Europa, North Africa, South America, Near East and he contributed to the field surveys and structural analysis conducted for the Brenner Basis Tunnel project transecting the Central Eastern Alps where he applied also 3D geo-modeling techniques. He is team member of the following instruments mounted on ESA space missions: SIMBIOSYS-Bepi-Colombo for the exploration of Mercury; CaSSIS-Exo Mars for the exploration of the Martian surface; OSIRIS-WAC of the Rosetta mission to the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet and JANUS-Juice mission to Jovian satellites. From 2016 he has been scientific coordinator and prime instructor of the ESA PANGAEA course which aims at training ESA astronauts in planetary and field geology. Member of the editorial board of Geosciences and of the Journal of Geological Field Trip and Maps. Awards: 2000 “Giuseppe and Paolo Gatto” award of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei for his post-doctoral studies on the Italian Alps; 2017 the International Astronomical Union named Asteroid 11440 after "Massironi". Involvement in PlanMap project: He leads the coordination and management WP1, the 3D subsurface geological modeling WP6 and the dissemination WP8.
![]() Matt BalmeInstitution: The Open University Matt Balme is a UK-based planetary scientist specialising in planetary geomorphology and geology. His first degree was an MSci in Physics with Space science from University College London in 1997, which was followed by a PhD in Geophysics awarded in 2001, also at UCL. He worked as a postdoc in the US and France before taking up a part-time research fellowship back in the UK while continuing his NASA funded work in the US. He is now permanently based in the UK at the Open University where he holds a Senior Lecturer (associate professor) position, and leads the Planetary Environments research group - part of the School of Physical Sciences. He is a team member of the ExoMars Rover Pancam team, and ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Guest Investigator with the CaSSIS camera team. He is part of the ExoMars Rover landing site selection working group. His current research activities are mainly focused on the ExoMars Rover mission, including geological mapping of landing sites, field trials of instruments, and end-to-end field trials of the mission as a whole. Involvement in PlanMap project: He helps in the production of geological maps for WP2 |
Cristian Carli
Institution: INAF Cristian Carli is a geologist, Researcher at IAPS-INAF in Rome. He graduated in Geology (2005) at University of Padua and he obtained the Ph.D. in Earth Science (2009) at University of Parma. He has a background in Petrology and Spectroscopy, working both on laboratory and remote sensing analysis. He worked as postdoctoral researcher at IAPS since 2009; studying spectra of analogues and meteorites in lab, and remote sensed spectral images of Mercury, Mars and Moon. He is Co-I of SIMBIO-SYS/Bepicolombo, coordinating the “Surface Composition and Laboratory activities on surface analogues” WG, and associate scientist of the MAJIS/JUICE. Involvement in PlanMap project: He is responsible for WP4 and he works on the spectral analysis and the integration of spectral properties into the planetary geological mapping. |
Nicolas MangoldInsitution: CNRS Nicolas Mangold is CNRS Research Director at the Laboratoire Planétologie et Géodynamique de Nantes. His research interests include planetary geology, geomorphology, mineralogy and chemistry. He is Involvement in PlanMap project: He will contribute especially to the WP5 in coupling orbital data and in-situ data with virtual reality to new extract geological information. |